February 2023: Broadcasting on NDR Radio on FOR2800 collaboration between Biomathematicians and Cell Biologists
December 2022: FOR2800 Collaboration paper of SP2 (Bastians) and SP3 (Kschischo) published in Cell Reports:

December 2022: FOR2800 Collaboration paper of SP2 (Bastians) and SP3 (Kschischo) published in Cell Reports:
2. Retreat: Monastery Schmerlenbach 01.11-03.11.2022

This Year we had our 2. Retreat at the monastery of Schmerlenbach.

Progress Reports 2023
Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 14:00 we come together for our Progress Reports:
14.02.2023 | SP-Z (Wollnik lab) |
14.03.2023 | SP6 (Räschle Lab) |
18.04.2023 | SP9 (Boos lab) |
09.05.2023 | SP8 (Storchova lab) |
13.06.2023 | SP1 (Beli lab) |
12.09.2023 | SP2 (Bastians lab) |
10.10.2023 | SP3 (Kschischo Lab) |
2. funding Periode FOR2800
Restart: Progress Reports 2021
Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month: 2pm via Zoom!
08.06.2021: SP1 – Petra Beli & Ivan Mikicic
06.07.2021: SP2 – Holger Bastians & Nicolas Böhly
07.09.2021: CANCELLED!
09.11.2021: SP3 – Maik Kschischo & XiaoXiao Zhang
07.12.2021: SPZ – Bernd Wollnik, Alexander Wollf & Arne Zibat
11.01.2022: SP5 – Bernd Wollnik & Ipek Ilgin Gönenc
08.02.2022: SP6 – Markus Räschle & Angela Wieland
08.03.2022: SP8 – Zuzana Storchová & Kristina Keuper
15th of June: Talk by Dr. Valeria Naim
„DNA Replication Stress and Chromosomal Instability: Dangerous Liaisons.“
15th of June 3:30pm via Zoom.
If you have questions or want to join feel free to contact us.
NEW: FOR2800 Career Seminars via Zoom.
From now on we are very pleased to announce our new Career Seminars.
Whenever possible we will invite guest talkers who have finnished their Studies and PhD and have achieved a position at the University or the industries. This Seminars should help students (female and male) to find ideas what possibilities there are after finnishing PhD.
We can announce our first Speakers:
1. Agnieszka Janska
On June the 7th 2021 she will allow us to see what she is now working on and how she reached this position.
2. Shawnna Buttery
On June the 11th 2021 at 3pm – She will give us some facts about her work as a Leader Editor of the „STAR Protocols“
If you like to join the Talk via Zoom please feel free to contact us.
The FOR2800
FOR2800: Progress Reports 2021 via Zoom
!! Attention: Time Changed to every secound TUESDAY of the month to 3pm !!!!!
08.06.2021: SP1 – Petra Beli and Ivan Mikicic
06.07.2021: SP2 – Holger Bastians and Nicolas Böhly
07.09.2021: SP3 – Maik Kschischo and XiaoXiao Zhang
09.11.2021: SPZ – Bernd Wollnik and Alexander Wolff
07.12.2021: SP5 – Bernd Wollnik and Ipek Ilgin Gönenc
11.01.2022: SP6 – Markus Räschle and Angela Wieland
08.02.2022: SP8 – Zuzana Storchová and Kristina Keuper
08.03.2022: SP9: Dominik Boos and NN.
If you have questions or like to join the Zoom Meeting please feel free to contact us.